Saturday, May 25, 2024

From the CTKG Cabinet: Clare discusses her Hobby Fair!

Hello everyone. I’m Clare Perreault, a member of the 2024 Kid Governor’s Cabinet

My platform focuses on kids finding hobbies that bring them happiness. One part of my three-point plan of action is for schools to hold Hobby Fairs for students to learn about different organizations that offer places for them to participate in activities that connect with their interests.

My school, Gainfield Elementary School in Southbury, recently had our first Hobby Fair. On Thursday, May 2nd, thirteen businesses made their way into the gymnasium of GES. It was a lively two hours of students learning about opportunities to explore their interests. It was filled with fun, laughter, and raffles!

I would like to give special thanks to my Mom and Dad, my school Media Specialist Mrs. Schwenger, Mr. Cofrancesco, Mr. Olamuyiwa, and all my family and friends. Big thanks to you all for helping me and believing in me as I made this dream of mine come true. I had so much fun! I would like to think everyone who attended did too! If you came, I would love to hear what you thought.

Now that you know a bit more about the Hobby Fair, what if I told you that there’s a way for you and your school to have one? Hobby Fairs are fun, open to the whole school, and best of all, free! Here’s all you need to do:

  1. Talk to your school principal and teacher for permission and to come up with a date, time, and location for the Hobby Fair.
  2.  Ask students what hobbies they enjoy or want to learn more about. 
  3. Brainstorm local businesses and organizations that may want to participate.
  4. Create an invitation and Google Form signup (we included a QR code on the invitation for people to easily access more information and the Google Form).    
  5. Get businesses interested!   
  • Email your invitation
  • Call Businesses
  • Drive around town and drop paper copies of invitations
6. Get official RSVP’s from businesses about a week before the Hobby Fair

7. Get your school interested! Distribute flyers, send emails, speak during the morning announcements, or post on your school’s social media account.

8. Determine a layout for your space, where each business is going to go, and what they may need.

9. The day of, set up tables, chairs, and anything else businesses or attendees may need.


After my school's Hobby Fair, I felt extremely proud and excited about what I had just done. I hope you give it a try at your school too!

You can email me at telling me all about your experience!

Clare Perreault

2024 Kid Governor’s Cabinet

Gainfield Elementary School


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