Monday, July 1, 2024

From the CTKG Cabinet: Paula Learns about the Cultural Ambassador Program in Plainville Community Schools

Happy Summer everyone!

I am Paula, a member of the 2024 Kid Governor’s Cabinet. My platform focuses on Diversity & Inclusion. In April, I was invited by Liliber Cornielle, the EL, Equity and Student Support Specialist for Plainville Community Schools, to visit and be a part of the Cultural Ambassadors table during the Plainville Superintendent Showcase.

The Cultural Ambassador Program showcased the different cultures and countries represented in the Plainville Community School District. It was a pleasure to attend and learn about Pakistan, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.

I also had the opportunity to meet with Superintendent Brian Reas, Assistant Superintendent David P. Levanduski, and Plainville Middle School Assistant Principal Melissa Orfitelli to discuss ways to promote Diversity & Inclusion in schools

It was an honor to be part of the Cultural Ambassador Table and learn about different countries and to be able to share my Puerto Rican heritage. By listening, learning, and sharing at this event, I was able to continue to spread the importance of diversity and inclusion!

As always, I love hearing about ways my peers around the state are making a difference towards diversity and inclusion! You can email me at to tell me all about it. You can also vis
it to read about what my fellow cabinet members are doing in their communities! 

I would like to leave you with this quote by M.F. Moonzajer:

“My culture is my identity and personality. It gives me spiritual, intellectual, and emotional distinction from others and I am proud of it. ”

Paula Sanchez-Barreto
2024 Kid Governor's Cabinet 
Ivy Drive School


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From the CTKG Cabinet: Paula Learns about the Cultural Ambassador Program in Plainville Community Schools

Happy Summer everyone! I am Paula, a member of the 2024 Kid Governor’s Cabinet. My platform focuses on Diversity & Inclusion. In April,...